Cyber Domain to be Featured in CRUZEX 2024

CRUZEX 2024, a renowned air force exercise that brings together military forces from various Latin American countries, will introduce a new element to its operations in 2024: the cyber domain. Recognized as one of the most significant military exercises in the region, in this edition, CRUZEX will feature CRUZEX CYBER, a simulated cyber exercise that will expand training domains by integrating cyber operations with air operations. Aimed at enhancing situational awareness in the face of modern conflict challenges, CRUZEX CYBER will employ a Capture The Flag (CTF) format to test and improve the security of critical systems that support aerospace operations.

Simulated Cyber Scenarios

During CRUZEX CYBER, a variety of critical cyber scenarios will be simulated, requiring participants to demonstrate expertise in cyber protection, exploitation, and attack. Key capabilities needed include:

  • Computer Forensics: Detailed investigations to identify and recover evidence from compromised systems.
  • Network Traffic Analysis: Monitoring and interpreting network traffic to detect anomalies and potential attacks.
  • Penetration Testing: Simulating attacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in IT systems.
  • Network Protocols: Advanced knowledge of communication protocols to identify and mitigate potential security flaws.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Identifying and classifying vulnerabilities in operating systems and critical applications.

These scenarios are designed to provide a deep integration between the effects of actions in cyber domains and their impact on air operations domain, preparing the participating forces for coordinated and effective responses to the complex challenges of modern conflicts.

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